Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bangkok/Kanchanaburi/River Kwai/Ayutthaya Day 3


24 Nov 2007. Today, we visited Ayutthaya, the former capital of ancient Siam from 1350 to 1767. Our first destination of the day was Don Chedi, a historical monument. It commemorates a former king who lead his army and defeated the Burmese.

From left to right: Don Chedi : Me, a hawker?

Thailand is basically a Buddhist country. There are tens of thousand Buddhist temples there. This morning, we visited 2 temples, Wat Pa Lelai and Wat Phra Non. Before I left for Bangkok, my mom handed me some Bahts left behind by my late father. With her blessing, I donated this small amount to Wat Pa Lelai.

Wat Pa Lelai

In the afternoon, we were brought to the star attraction of the tour. The Magnificent Ruins of Ayutthaya. The Burmese once captured it and ruled there. Before long, the Thais drove them out. The Burmese destroyed whatever they could. Instead of reconstructing it, the Thais shifted their Capital to Bangkok.

Loy Krathong
It was our first time celebrating Loy Krathong. Me and Fynn bought a flower float each. We dined at a restaurant besides a river. After dinner, we lighted the float. made a wish and released it. It was quite fun and hopefully our wishes come true.

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