Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A thoughtless child

Sucks! Do not tell us things we don't like to hear. You are damn bloody irritating. No doubt you have reached your legal age to decide for yourself, that does not mean you can fly.
Imagine your child chiding you for not supporting her activity which goes against your wish. Year after year this nuisance repeats itself especially on study break. It's a nightmare when Fyn told us she is going to backpack in Mumbai. Worst, she is going with someone she hardly knew. Guess life is too comfortable and I agree with my friend that I should stop giving extra monthly expenditure. Me and Margaret will not give or loan her money if she insist to go. For the record, she goes without our blessing. A thoughtless child. Sad.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blood, Sweat and Tears

The good times may soon be over for us. We have been receiving lousy news from the management recently. Of course no one is happy especially when our income are disrupted. It's sort of a 'take it or leave it' attitude and we have to obediently accept the unfortunate adjustment. Grrr.... life goes on.
We are still thankful for the past months' good fortunes. Believe me, it's no easy meat to work 24 hours a day. This marathon requires stamina, physical strength and fitness. Many a times our bodies ache badly and cry for mercy. Me and my colleague stubbornly refused to surrender. Do not envy us when we are rewarded. We paid for it with our blood, sweat and tears.
Praise the One above and may we have many more years of good health and fortune to come. HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Silly question

One more lonely night (for me)..... and Margaret shall return from her trip. That's fast for it seems like last night that I sent her to the airport. Sincerely hope that she enjoys herself in Hokkaido. A friend was casually asking me if I seek ladies companionship during this period. With a serious look, I replied that I called all my 'boyfriends'. Huh??? He couldn't believe his ears. It was not until I told him I was joking, he sighed a relief. Definitely I don't fancy my own gender. So that's a snappy answer to a silly question.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Surprise, surprise, surprise!!!

Hello! My ex-primary classmate recieved a surprise call from me last evening. It must have been almost 25 years since we last see each other. Good news for the unattached. Vincent Eio is still a bachelor. He declined my invitation for dinner for he had to go to the airport to fetch his mother. Well, there is always another day.
Now for the opposite. I unexpectedly recieved a belated birthday greeting from a childhood friend 10 days after my celebration. Still I am grateful. It's the thought that counts. Moreover, it's better late than never. Thank you so much.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Haji greetings

Selamat Hari Raya Haji to our Muslim friends

It's a good break for me. Pretty tired and my body aches. I can't deny that age is catching up. Margaret is in Hokkaido enjoying the winter season. She deserves this break too. Meantime, everybody keeps warm and stay healthy during this monsoon period. Take care.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Office X'mas decoration

Like a typical kiasu Singaporean, I started decorating my desk for the coming X'mas. My only fear or worry is....... our project is behind schedule and I shouldn't be putting all these up so early....... or else....................... haha........ Okay, let's get to the point. My BOSS may not be happy. Anyway, what is done cannot be undone. However 13th month bonus next month is compulsary, so what is there to worry. But it's definitely crazy to put up Chinese New Year decorations now. Needless to say, you are challenging your Boss to sack you. LOL.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Roses are red...

Twinkle twinkle little star
You should know what you are
Once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not too far.

Roses are red; Voilets are blue
Monkeys like you should be kept in zoo.
Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but laughing at you.

God saw me hungry, he created pizza
He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi
He saw me in the dark, he created light
He saw me without problems, he created YOU.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Con job

Knock knock, who is that? 'Uncle, we are selling ice cream. Buy from us so that we can finish selling and go home earlier,' replied the two teenage girls at my doorstep. Okay, okay... how much is that? It's $17.50 per box and $32 for two. OMG! It's simply too expensive. I have no choice but to disappoint them. They gave me that sorrowful look. Great act but case closed.

Case 2 : A close friend asking for Christmas present. When told that I am not a Christian and what present should I recieve from her instead, she changed her topic. Maybe my luck isn't good that I met quite a few undesirable friends recently. Thankfully I am able to read their minds, thus avoiding being conned.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Deploy else where

The Phase 1 structure works in my project is completing soon and Phase 2 would follow. We gonna miss quite a number of friends here for they are not involve in the second phase. History repeats itself whenever a project is completed. Sad that they will be deployed else where. Our project team remains behind and we wish them well. Thank you for the wonderful time together. Till we meet again..... adieus!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Thank You Very much

I am overwhelmed by the warm and sincere birthday greetings and it's still flowing in. To all my dear friends, buddies and loved ones, Thank You Very Much!
An old fashioned guy like me who is protective of my birthdate, has finally allow it to be published on the Facebook. Greetings not only comes from there but sms and telephone calls too. It's nice to be thought of by you lovely people.
Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife for the lovely dinner and my children for the birthday present.
God bless you all.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Anya 1 month old celebration

Hush...... Anya is sleeping. It's her one month old celebration with a buffet lunch at Lion City Hotel. Isn't she lovely? Wonderful. She melt the heart of those carrying her. Both paternal and maternal grandmothers proudly showing off their latest precious addition to their guest. Tell me who doesn't? Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beautiful November

With all the Christmas decorations at the shopping centres, I could feel the year-end festive holidays are near. OMG! We are only into the 1st week of November. Talking about that, it's me and Fyn's birthday month. Besides, Margaret will be in Hokaido Japan on the 3rd week of this month. Another 'bachelor week' for me. LOL.

Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change - Confucius

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hair affair

Wishing our Hindu friends 'Happy Deepavali'.

I am feeling good seeing my hair growing longer each day. Most probably I will keep it till Christmas. As compared to my younger days, it goes without saying that my youth is no longer there. Still, I awaits my hair to cover my ears and my back grow to collar length. Like what I said, hippism is out of question. Definitely no shoulder length hair. The only setback at this moment is ....... I am using more shampoo nowadays. Btw, whatever I am doing is crazy but fun. So long as it is not offensive or sinful, why bother? It's cool to keep long hair again.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why are they celebrating my birthday this weekend? No, it's my grand-niece one month old celebration. Thanks for the invitation. Our family will be there to share your joy.
Finally, it's back to normal. My office desk-top was not able to access into the internet for the past week. Don't ask me why for I am a computer illiterate. Since it's been restored, I gonna be happy and carry on blogging.
It's All Souls' Day on the 2 Nov 2010. Me and Margaret are paying our respect to her late grandmother at the Holy Trinity Church @ Tampines tomorrow. May peace be with her.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010