Saturday, March 31, 2007

my son, Smily

There he is, proudly serving his nation. Salute!

Smily, hours before registering for National Service

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Life at last!

Wah piang! Took me 2 wks to learn the basic of blogging. Wat the hell is so great abt tis? Guess it's a in tink for these youngsters, die dun want face (in chinese).
Credits to my daughter, fyn, for the patience in guiding me. Hopefully, a tagboard can be created in the next few days.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

hong hiao gathering 02 nov 2006

I got to noe this Hong Hiao gang, at times it's refer as the Win Team, in 1996. Had a happy and memorable working time with them. Sorry Pipi, dun have your picture with me.

Yo, yo! Kevin remains the same (after all these years) .