Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dare to dream

A 'heartbreaking no' to a request to borrow $7ooo to fulfill a 21 days Europe tour dream. It's not a joke. Guess life is too comfortable for these youngster nowadays. No matter what the reason is, they have no right to be frustrated or disappointed. No average income earning parents would lend this money to their children. S$7000 cash is a lot of money. Yes, big money. I sincerely pray that they don't come back with more 'political promises' or what we called 'SHIT'. For heaven sake, leave us alone. Me and Margaret are very tired after all these struggling years.

We visited my brother Roger at Queenstown for he is living alone. Due to my work commitment in the past weeks, I had to give him a miss. Well, he is happy to see us. Back to CNY, we are almost ready to welcome Year of the Tiger, not forgetting to thank Mr Ox for a reasonable good year. I returned from the salon with a new hair-cut while Margaret..... with a new pair of shoes. The Spring cleaning continues....................... till the final seconds..................

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