Friday, June 29, 2012

Ang Mo is coming !!!

This American Ang Mo is on his way to Singapore. He ain't a friend of mine or Margaret or Smily but Fyn. You won't believe that he is staying at my place for the next one and a half month or so. In  between, he is flying to Vietnam and Cambodia. My dear son has volunteer ...... not to share his room. Margaret and I would feel kind of awkward as this is the first time a stranger is living with us.
I wonder about the cultural differences and bet he is in for a rude shock. For those who have not been here, they would imagine Singapore as an island with a lot of kampong houses and coconut trees by the seaside. That's the feedback I got from my British, French and Portuguese friends.
Whatever, we wish to be a good host and sincerely hope he enjoys his memorable staycation here.

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