Saturday, September 7, 2013

Mental illness?

I have seen many friends where everything they do, they must make a profit out of it. It's not that they are poor but unknowingly to them, they are suffering from a sickness which I do not know what it's called scientifically. Sadly, I notice that these people do not have friends too.

In my line, I witnessed many who stole mock-up samples like electrical accessories, sanitary fittings, etc  meant for consultants' approval and returned to supplier once the project is completed. Not too long ago, I have a colleague who used to take can drinks home from our office everyday. And there is this guy who used to bring bread home at our office expense. In fact if I were to carry on writing, it can end up with a book.

Are there medicines for these sick people? I really do not know. Most probably it's a mental illness. Hopefully their love ones at home take notice of their behaviour and bring them to consult a professional before they gets worst.

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