Monday, January 21, 2013


cny fire cny firecny firecny fire

Roger couldn't be happier. He is ready to welcome the Lunar New Year with all things new. A long sleeve shirt, a pair of pants and shoes, hankerchief, socks, etc. Courtesy of me and Margaret. We brought him to Robinson Centrepoint for this annual shopping session. No doubt the bill came up to $200 plus, it gives us great pleasure to see him smiling all the way. Like what I said : he ain't heavy, he is my brother.

An early birthday celebration for Margaret with a zhi char dinner at our neighbourhood coffee shop. Simply because Fyn is leaving for the States on 24 January 2013. Smily, Sheryl and my mother-in-law attended the dinner too. Needless to say, I will celebrate with her on her actual day again. Birthday rocks!!!

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