When was the last time I felt sick? Probably more than 2 years ago. Due to my work stress, my immune system has weakened. I hope to recover in a day or two.
I went to an I.T. fair during lunch and managed to grab a 4 GB thumb drive at $12.90. Isn't it cheap? I suppose so. Anyway, it's a gift for Margaret. Well, I love buying small gift for her at times and that includes tit-bits. Who dare say I am not sentimental?
For the past weeks, a few friends were not happy with me for reasons best known to them. One of them screamed at me on the phone and guess we won't be on talking term for a long time. Sincerely, I treasure my friends especially childhood buddies. Will have a meal with all of you should I find the time. Believe me, I'll try but no promise.
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