Like what I said, 2008 rocks. Looking back, I have no regrets coming in to my present company. The initial period was difficult. I had to learn to deal with the new enviroment, different system of getting work done and what else........... a handful of unscrupulous colleagues. But I got to know a few nice people too. Que sera sera.....
As for my family, we are happy and harmonious. Now that the children have grown up, me and Margaret are seeing less of them at home. Smily is attached to his girlfriend Sheryl while hey...... Fyn, are you attached or not? Haha! The not-so-good news is that my mother is getting weaker physically. Guess it's common as we age.
If there is a trophy for inconsistent performance, I would not hestiate to award it to my favourite football club, Arsenal. When it's expected for them to win, they lose and vice versa. It's beyond my imagination for them to win Manchester United and Chelsea and lost to Hull City and Fulham. I am still in a state of confusion.
Since this is the last weekend of the year, I would like to say goodbye to 2008. Thank you for the wonderful year.
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