I had lunch with Chia Choon Yong this afternoon. We invited our mutual friend Rajkumar along. Chia gave me treats the last 2 times we gathered and it's only honourable to return his kind gesture this time. As he is stationed in Shanghai, he comes back to Singapore 3 to 4 times a year. I could see the sadness in his eyes when he said his wife complained about his absence and his year old son could not recognise him. Life goes on and I hope to see him in May 2009.
I got a surpirse when my former college mate Aju V Narwani found me and wrote in to say hello in my Facebook web page. The last time we met was at Fast East Shopping Centre a few years back. I believe he has gone back to LA America. The beauty of it is...... I managed to trace my the other long lost mate Ganesan Sinnadurai thru his page. Yes, imagine.... it's been 30 years. This chap migrated to Hollywood city, Florida in the 1980s and should be an American citizen by now. Well, it's always nice to hear from them and hope we'll get to meet some time in the near future. The power of Facebook !