STUCK!!! Smily is denied a place in the university. Though his result is just average, he will appeal and hope for the best. On this auspicious day, I pray for his success.

I went with Margaret to Marina Square to buy New Moon chicken essence at Guardian. It came with a kilo of rice free. We passed by Jia Xiang Restaurant and had Kuching 'kolo mee' there. They claim that their noodles and ingredients are air-flown from Sarawak. Considering that, to pay $5.90 per bowl is reasonable. Actually, the noodle reminded me of my Primary school recess time. Fyn joined us in the late afternoon and we proceeded to Chinatown with the intent to visit the new Buddhist temple. To our surprise, the queue to enter the temple was loooooong. Upon giving up, we had dinner around there and returned home to enjoy my latest craze, Chinese Tea Session.
My tea set