Wah piang!Took me 2 wks to learn the basic of blogging. Wat the hell is so great abt tis? Guess it's a in tink for these youngsters,die dun want face (in chinese). Credits to my daughter,fyn, for the patience in guiding me. Hopefully, a tagboard can be created in the next few days.
I got to noe this Hong Hiao gang, at times it's refer as the Win Team, in 1996. Had a happy and memorable working time with them. Sorry Pipi, dun have your picture with me.
Yo, yo! Kevin remains the same (after all these years) .
let's see.
the world calls me kevinnogood aka kevin kramer livingston wells aka porky pig. :D i am blessed with a loving wife, margaret, son, smily and daughter, fyn. music was my first love. pohkeelism is what i believe in. supported arsenal football club since 1972. scorpion alive! kevwish@hotmail.comcheck it out!!!!!