Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A remarkable milestone on the way

I will be 65 in another 2 months' time. Sixty-five years of life, love, laughter, and adventure. Sixty-five years of memories, triumphs, and lessons learned.

I’ve learned that life is not just about the destination but the journey—the people we meet, the challenges we overcome, and the love we share.

To my loving family, loved ones and friends :

Thank you for your kindness, support and for being part of my journey. Let's make more unforgettable memories together. Cheers to 65 and beyond! 


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Fast forward 2023

When was the last time I blogged? Sara gonna celebrate her 6th birthday this year and me, 64. 
Come end of the month, I will be going for my full mouth dental implant.  Scary, but I need to overcome my fear and go thru it out of necessity.  Hope it will be a smooth process. Let us pray... 


Monday, April 8, 2019

Working past 55

Why do I have to work so hard? Yes, even in the middle of the night. I am 59+1 this year. Like what I told everyone 'if not for the reasonable good pay I would have retired'. Somehow it's a blessing to have a job at my age. It keeps me going and healthy. Just that I am aging and slow down a lot in my movement. No longer that energetic and active. Yeah, I am employed for my experience. Moreover I can pass down whatever I learned to the next generation.
I've never imagined myself in the construction industry when I was young though I studied architecture. Somehow I managed to get myself certified as a Technical Officer from the Institute of Engineers Singapore. Time flies and I have been in this industry for more than 30 years. I will call it a day when I am not longer valued or my health does not permit me to. Do I have any regret? Of course not, no doubt it's blood, sweat and tears money that we earned. Rain or shine, day and night. Many times we do not know what a public holiday is.    

Monday, April 1, 2019

Princess Sara is walking

Princess Sara is able to walk on her own. The last blog I was still carrying her. Yes, she brought so much joy to the family. So long as she is healthy and happy, there's nothing I could wish for her. May it be so.

My work takes all my time away from home. At my age, I should be relaxing. But no, I am always at my workplace. So whenever I am off, me and Margaret would get away to various parts of Johore to de-stress and share a little moment together.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Our Domestic Housekeeper

No doubt we welcome our domestic housekeeper Racheal from the Philippines, it's never easy to accept someone new into our home. It's our first time but we need to adapt to this addition. Guess she is trying her very best to blend in to our family too. 

Margaret and Sheryl are assisting her whatever they could. Having her here is out of necessity, for she is going to look after the little one who is on the way. Hopefully it's a smooth transition for everyone and more importantly, everyone is comfortable and happy.

Monday, July 3, 2017

A Happy Occasion

The occasion called for us to dress-up. Yes, I got a chance to wear my suit again on my niece Kate and Eric wedding dinner at Mandarin Orchard last weekend. Surprisingly they arranged our seats at the Bridal Table. We were lost for words as it was unexpected. It's really an honour to dine with the bride and bridegroom and their families. Thank you for the invitation.  We sincerely wish the beautiful couple 'A Happy Marriage' and may their lives continue to grow in love and happiness together. Yum..... Seng! Yum.....Seng! Yum yum yum yum..........Seng!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Life goes on

I am getting fairer and healthier after a relaxing 6 months. The doctor has given a clean bill of health from the recent annual blood test and health screening. I managed to reversed my blood sugar from a pre-diabetic level back to an acceptable healthy range.

Take it easy. Yeah, no point worrying about things beyond my control. Most probably I am going back to work in August unless or otherwise... Before this long Sabbatical  leave, I was working day and night (24 hours at times) for the past ten years. Tiring, very tiring but the show must go on. Both my children were in the university.

I had consider retirement during my recent break. Like what I said, unless a good job comes along... Yes, I lost my income but I gain my health. A fair exchange. Sometimes I am lost for I do not know what I want. One way or another I must be comfortable. Life goes on.